Event Details
Big Apple Region is excited to be heading to TopGolf Holtsville on May 1st. For $50 participants will get 2 hours of top golf, a lunch buffet (kosher style- dairy. if you require glatt kosher email [email protected]), and busing to and from the venue on Long Island.
We will have two buses for this event. Bus #1 will leave from Temple Sholom (2075 E 68th St, Brooklyn) at 10:15am. Bus #2 will depart from Commonpoint Samuel Field Center (5820 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck) at 11am sharp. We will depart from TopGolf between 2 and 230pm.
Sign up now! Limited spots are available!
Please note at this time COVID vaccination checks are not required for this event BUT we do hold the right to change that if needed.
Not a BBYO member and want to attend? Email [email protected] to find out about a special discount offer!
Holtsville 11742