Crisis Hotlines & Support Services
BBYO has curated a go-to list of mental health and wellness support contact information, which you can find here.

Commitment to Safety & Security
BBYO has implemented detailed policies intended to keep teens mentally, emotionally, and physically safe. Read our commitment to safety and security here.

BBYO Code of Conduct and Community Standards
Designed with the health and safety of teens, staff, advisors and guests in mind, BBYO participants are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Community Commitment guidelines and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects Jewish & BBYO values.

What to Expect: Conduct Violations at BBYO Programs
While participating in BBYO programs, it is expected that teens will adhere to the BBYO Code of Conduct and Community Commitment. If teens violate the Code or break the rules of a program, they can expect the disciplinary action(s) laid out in this document.

Teen Rooming Policies and Procedures
BBYO seeks to provide an inclusive rooming community for all members. Teen rooming policies for overnight events and programs are explained in this document.

BBYO Child Abuse Prevention and Mandated Reporting Policy
BBYO employees, advisors, and volunteers are required to report abuse. This document outlines the policies and guidelines BBYO has in place for making a report of abuse.

Healthy Relationships and Affirmative Consent
BBYO has developed a series of guidelines and protocols around healthy relationships and affirmative consent at BBYO events.

Safety, Wellness & Inclusion Initiatives Timeline
Learn more about the actions BBYO has taken to date, and will continue to focus on, as part of our ongoing and vigilant commitment to teen wellness in all its forms.

Safety, Wellness & Health Poster
BBYO displays these posters at all immersive experiences, with resources for teens in distress and information on a confidential reporting system if something inappropriate happens at a BBYO event.

Know Your Terms: Sexual Harassment
As part of BBYO’s commitment to creating a mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically safe environment for teens, here are important terms and definitions participants should know.

Teen Mental Health First Aid
BBYO will be engaging teens as Peer Advocates in this new in-person training program designed to equip teens with the knowledge and skills to foster their own wellness, support their peers, and deepen their learning.

Stand Up Against Antisemitism
As the rise in antisemitic attacks continues, we created a roundup of parent, teen, and general resources we hope you’ll find helpful for responding to and combating antisemitism at home and around the globe.

Wellness Shabbat Ritual Guide
Check out this compilation of beautiful Shabbat rituals and prayers with a mental health focus—from the time we welcome Shabbat on Friday evening through Havdalah on Saturday night.

BBYO Mental Health Resources
Visit our content hub for resources and content curated by teens, including interactive icebreakers, program guides, how-to guides, and general wellness information.

Additional Mental Health Resources
Check out some of our favorite articles, websites, and organizations that focus on mental health and wellness!

Wellness Corner
Interested in the latest on adolescent health and wellness trends? Visit the Wellness Corner in BBYO's Parent Pulse, our bi-monthly newsletter for member parents.

Building Inclusive Programs
Use this comprehensive resource and checklist to think about how you can create programs in BBYO that are accessible and welcoming to all teens.

BBYO Mental Health Policy Sign Off
BBYO is committed to providing an emotionally, mentally, and physically safe and respectful environment for our teens. Learn more about our Mental Health Policy Sign Off for overnight events.

BBYO Immunization Policy
Teens and adults in attendance at BBYO overnight experiences are required to have age-appropriate vaccines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
