Big Apple Spring Convention 2019: The Flame Within

Friday, May 17, 2019 FROM 5:00 PM - Sunday, May 19, 2019 2:00 PM

Berkshire Hills Eisenberg Camp, NY

Big Apple Region

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Event Details

Big Apple Region is proud to present Spring Convention 2019: The Flame Within.

We are thrilled to bring Spring Convention to CAMP for the first time in years! With innovative programming, an entire overnight camp to ourselves, and a full weekend of unforgettable memories, Spring Convention is a true highlight of your Big Apple BBYO experience.

Spring Convention will include:

  • Special senior moments
  • Exclusive eighth grade experiences
  • Engaging Shabbat services planned by your fellow teen leaders
  • The election of the 42nd Big Apple Regional Board
  • Fun and meaningful programming created by your fellow teen leaders
  • Musical moments featuring our guest songleader, Julia Sabra
  • Guest speakers
  • Boating on Berkshire Hills' exclusive and private lake
  • Swimming and Sports and Music and more during Chofesh (free time)
  • Even more surprises along the way!

At Convention, you will make new friends, make new memories, and make our community even stronger just by being there! We can't wait to see you at camp - check out the Q&A below and contact Brittany Kahn with any further questions!


Scholarship and Deposit Information
Please be aware of the following policies for deposits and scholarships:

  • Deposits
    • Members and families who are not able to make a full payment at the time of Registration opening may qualify for a deposit.
    • Deposits must be independently arranged with Brittany Kahn, [email protected]
    • Full balances are due May 2, 2019. Teens with incomplete balances on May 3 will be cancelled from registration.
  • Scholarships
    • We are determined to ensure that finances are not a barrier for any Alephs or BBGs who wish to attend Spring Convention. We have scholarship funding available for need-based requests!
    • Awards are based on family income as well as compounding factors such as siblings in college and costly life events. Our average award for our previous convention was $80.
    • To apply, please Visit this link and fill out the full application
    • Applications are due by April 21, 2019
    • Scholarship announcements will be announced by April 25, 2019
    • Full balances are due May 2, 2019. Teens with incomplete balances on May 3 will be cancelled from registration.

Cost: $340.00

Travel Info

Busing is included in the cost of convention, and will depart locally in the mid-day on Friday. We will provide a school Excusal Note closer to Convention to accommodate any missed school. We will be providing busing from three stops:

  • Samuel Field Y (Little Neck, Queens) departing at 12pm on Friday, May 17
  • Temple Sholom of Flatbus (Mill Basin, Brooklyn) departing at 11am on Friday, May 17
  • Park Slope Jewish Center (Park Slope, Brooklyn) departing at 11:30am on Friday, May 17

All buses will return on Sunday, May 19 at approximately 5 pm - parents and guardians, please be in touch with your teens on Sunday to get an accurate pick-up time.


Wait, a BBYO Convention at CAMP??
That's right! We're excited to be at Berkshire Hills Eisenberg Camp for a Convention for the first time. This means that some elements of this convention will be different from hotel conventions you may have attended in the past - we will be sleeping in cabins, many activities will be outside, and we have access to campfires, a lake with boating, and much more. When it comes to the content of convention, such as programs, sisterhood and brotherhood, and Jewish moments, it will be the same great teen-led content we have always offered - just in a new and exciting setting.


What do I need to bring?
The camp will be providing all meals and snacks, as well as basic linens: each participant will have bed sheets, a blanket, a pillow and pillowcase, a towel, and a blanket provided. Please be aware that the cabins may be cool or chilly at night time in May - please bring warm pajamas and an extra blanket if desired. A more detailed packing list will be coming out closer to Convention.


Cancellation Policy
The deadline to cancel with a full program refund will be April 30, 2019. Until that date, full refunds will be granted for cancellations in writing (e-mail is acceptable), for any reason. After the registration deadline, partial refunds may be available based on convention expenses already paid (hotel, transportation, etc.). Within fourteen days of convention we’ve already confirmed final counts with our vendors, and no refunds will be given. “No shows” will not receive a refund.