Event Details
Come spend time with your regional friends while contributing to a number of fantastic organizations! We will have different stations covering various charities and stand-up causes. You can take part in hands-on activities like putting together hygiene kits for local unhoused folks, and learn about real ways you can make a positive impact on the environment.
This year's J-Serve will feature a spirit competition for to ensure it is as spirited as can be! Your chapter will be awarded points for various things such as attendance, participation, and overall spirit. The chapter with the most “spirit points” at the end of J-serve will win pizza (on us) at one of their events! How exciting is that?! 
We’re kicking off our preparation for J-Serve, and your ability to earn your chapter some points with… OUR CANNED FOOD AND OLD T-SHIRT DRIVE! Between today and April 16, start collecting as many canned food items and old t-shirts with your chapter and bring all of them to J-Serve. Each can brought by a chapter will win 1 spirit point and each t-shirt will win 2 spirit points, and the chapter with the most of each item will get the points from their cans or shirts doubled. So, if Chapter X brings 12 cans and 4 t-shirts and Chapter Y brings 25 cans and 3 t-shirts, Chapter X will get 28 points (12x1 + [4x2]x2) and Chapter Y will get 56 (25x2 + 3x2).
We can’t wait to see everyone at J-Serve, and may the best chapter win!
Palo Alto 94303