About Us
About Delta Region
Delta Region is comprised of chapters in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. We have 13 chapters in our region, representing over 400 Jewish teens in our area. By becoming a member of Delta, teens are afforded the opportunity to experience local programming in their communities, regional programming such as dances, community service days, sports events, and weekend-long conventions, and international programming at large scale conferences and BBYO Summer Experiences.
Our chapters hold multiple events every month at locations around the region. Events are planned by teens, for teens, and programming ranges from fun activities like scavenger hunts and lock-ins, to more educational programing like leadership courses and social action projects. A parent, advisor, or regional staff¬ member is always on hand to ensure safety and health.
Fun Fact: Delta is one of the largest geographic regions in BBYO, covering five states and over 210,000 square miles. Our colors are green and blue, and our region has two mascots: a bunny for BBG and a snake for AZA.
Through youth-led and staff-supported programs, we give our members opportunities to develop leadership skills and positively affect their communities, the world, and themselves. We constantly strive to provide more Jewish teens with more meaningful Jewish experiences each and every day, so that they may become the future Jewish leaders in their communities and in the Jewish world at large.
BBYO is proud to be a partner program with Jewish Community Partners in Memphis and the Gordon Jewish Community Center in Nashville.