Event Details
Join us for Liberty’s January Regional Board Retreat on January 17-19, 2020.
The Regional Boards will have sleepovers at teens’ homes Friday night. During these sleepovers, they will bond as a team and plan for the remainder of the year. Saturday morning they will travel together to the Harrisburg JCC to begin training/working as a complete team. We will be together all day Saturday through Sunday afternoon. On Sunday afternoon, we will provide transportation from Board Retreat to Regional Spring Kickoff. Teens will take their community buses back home Sunday evening following Regional Kickoff unless otherwise arranged.
The cost for the weekend is $70. This money goes towards covering room (sleeping rooms and conference space at the JCC/hotel), materials, and meals from Saturday lunch through Sunday lunch. The cost for this weekend has been significantly subsidized. Should you require scholarship, please contact Regional Staff directly.
Harrisburg 17110