MTN 2017 Conclave - PC3020

Thursday, April 6, 2017 FROM 6:30 PM - Sunday, April 9, 2017 12:00 PM

Pine Summit Camp,800 E Wolf Creek Rd, AZ 86303

Mountain Region

MTN 2017 Conclave - PC3020 image

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Event Details

We are excited to invite you to Mountain Region Conclave 2017! With such great momentum leading into this year's final Regional Convention, we know it is going to the best Conclave yet!! Dylan and Bailey are working hard and are so excited for what is to come. There will be amazing programming this year including Senior Song, Regional Life Ceremonies, AZAA and BBGG, Incredible Separates, Inspiring Rotations and Regional Elections. We hope to see you there!

Cost: $375.00 (due by 04/06/2017)
Deposit Amount: $50.00

Location: Prescott 86303