Event Details
We are thrilled to begin our programming year together, and invite you to our Mountain Region Virtual Executives Conference!
In previous years, Mountain Executives participants have been our Regional Board and the Godolim/N’siot, S’ganim, and Morim from each chapter board; however, this year, we are beyond excited to welcome ALL chapter board members to join us in this weekend of bonding, leadership training, and community building!
Regional Execs will begin on Friday, September 11th, and will end on Sunday, September 13th, 2020. We will be gathering, connecting, and learning via Zoom, while mixing things up with incredibly engaging, personal, and fun programs to improve our leadership abilities and learn how to guide our chapters to success in the coming year!
We understand how difficult it is to be on Zoom all day, so there will be plenty of breaks throughout the day to stretch your legs, grab some food, and get motivated to begin our term.
We will gather from Friday to Sunday. Of course, we won’t be on Zoom 24/7, so the list of times below are a great starting point in blocking off your calendars!
Friday, September 11
Saturday, September 12
- 10 AM-12 PM, PT
1 PM - 4:30 PM, PT
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM, PT
Sunday, September 13
NOTE: Accommodations will be made for those who are Shomer Shabbos, including recorded sessions to rewatch and printable resources covered within those sessions.
That being said, we ask that you please prepare to do all that you need to be fully available for Execs, as if we were meeting in person. It is expected that you attend this conference, particularly if you are a Godol/N’siah, S’gan/S’ganit, or Moreh/Morah, as it is specifically included in the board contracts you signed when running for your position (we also sent an email in April detailing our tentative dates for this year's conventions). For those who are your chapter’s Shaliach/Sh’licha, Mazkir/Mazkirah, Gizbor/Gizborit, or Sopher/Orechet/Chazonit, we invite you to join us, and encourage you to engage with leaders from across the region in meaningful programming and leadership training.
We’ll start to roll out the specifics of scheduling and programming as we get closer, but for now please make sure to save the dates in your calendars and get excited!
Feel free to reach out to Ellie ([email protected]), or Gabe ([email protected]) with any questions, comments, or concerns.
We look forward to connecting with you all soon!