New England Region

Eastern and Central Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island

About Us

About New England Region

New England Region is comprised of chapters throughout Eastern and Central Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. We have chapters in North Shore, Acton, Metrowest, Newton, Sharon, Rhode Island, Brookline, and Merrimack Valley representing over 500 teens in our area. Teens involved experience local programming in their communities, regional programming such as dances, community service days, sports events, and weekend-long conventions, and international programming at large scale conferences and BBYO Summer Experiences.

Chapters are based on geography and where our teens/families live but teens can join any chapter they want.  The chapters currently include:

Ariel Ometz BBYO- Acton, Leominster, Fitchburg and surrounding areas

Tikvah BBG and Alan Soifert AZA- Sharon and South Shore communities

Berry-Erani AZA and Mayim Chayim BBG- Newton and Needham

Mishpucha BBG and Sababa AZA- Metrowest Communities

Merrimack Valley BBYO- Andover area

North Shore BBYO- Marblehead, Swampscott, Salem, surrounding areas

Brookline BBYO- Brookline and Newton

Vermont BBYO- Burlington area

Judy Ann Leven BBG and Dave Hochman AZA- Rhode Island

We have interest in building communities in the Worcester and Southern New Hampshire communities.

Our chapters hold events every two to three weeks at locations around the region. Events are planned by teens, for teens, and programming ranges from fun activities like bowling and making s’mores over a bonfire, to deeper programming around social justice or leadership development. A parent, advisor, or regional staff­ member is always on hand to ensure safety and health.

Fun Fact: Our mascot is Larry the Lobster.

Stay up to date with us on our NER Facebook Page!

Contact Us

Regional Staff

  • Senior Regional Director: Jeff Hast

  • Associate VP: Jocelyn Orloff

  • Genesis Fellow: Hannah Fritts

Needham, MA

(412) 983-0590


Alan Soifert AZA #2289

Sharon, Massachusetts

Ariel Ometz BBYO #5389


Berry-Erani AZA #1946

Newton, Massachusetts

Brookline BBYO #5242


Dave Hochman AZA #2469

East Greenwich, Rhode Island

Judy Ann Leven BBG #531

Providence, Rhode Island

Mayim Chayim BBG #605

Newton, Massachusetts

Merrimack Valley BBYO #5382

Andover/north Andover/georgetown, Massachusetts

Mishpucha BBG #2547

Metrowest, Massachusetts

North Shore BBYO #5398

North Shore, Massachusetts

Sababa AZA #1900

Holliston, Massachusetts

Tikvah Marla Zeiff BBG #1689

Sharon, Massachusetts

Vermont BBYO

, Vermont

SUPPORT New England Region

Every dollar you give locally goes directly to impacting Jewish teens in your community.


BBYO offers a fun, inclusive environment where lifelong friendships are formed, leadership skills are developed and Jewish identity values are nurtured.



Want to learn more about what teens do in New England Region? Check out our new “BBYO 101” overview!