NFR Fall Con

Friday, November 12, 2021 FROM 5:00 PM - Sunday, November 14, 2021 11:00 AM

Central Florida (Location will be shared with registrants and families),

North Florida Region

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Event Details

Fall Con is the first overnight convention in 2 years! We are excited to bring together Alephs and BBG’s from North Florida Region to build community with a common goal to leave an impression on every Aleph and BBG through an experience that encourages brotherhood/sisterhood/siblinghood, and unites our region in spirit and programming.

Convention is what intertwines our region together. This is our moment to bring teens from all around Florida together for unique programming that only happens during convention! Teens walk away with friendships that last a lifetime and a connection to their Jewish identity that binds to BBYO in high school and beyond.

Teens attending convention must be vaccinated against C-19. 

The cost is inclusive of transportation, lodging and activities. 

Cost: $315.00 (due by 10/31/2021)
Deposit Amount: $157.50