Northern Region East: Northern Virginia Council

Northern Virginia

About Us

About Northern Region East: NoVA Council

Northern Region East (NRE): Northern Virginia (NoVA) Council is comprised of chapters in Arlington, Fairfax, and Loudoun counties. We have 6 chapters throughout the Northern Virginia area, representing over 200 Jewish teens in our area. By becoming a member of NoVA Council, teens are afforded the opportunity to experience local programming in their communities, regional programming such as dances, community service days, sports events, and weekend-long conventions, and international programming at large scale conferences and BBYO Summer Experiences.

Our chapters hold events every two weeks at locations around the region. Events are planned by teens, for teens and programming ranges from fun activities like apple picking for Rosh Hashanah, to collecting over 400 pounds of food for a local food bank. A parent, advisor, or regional staff­ member is always on hand to ensure safety and health.

Fun Fact: Our Council colors are red and black, and our mascot is Opus the Penguin!

Through youth-led and staff-supported programs, NoVA Council gives our members opportunities to develop leadership skills and positively affect their communities, the world, and themselves. We constantly strive to provide more Jewish teens with more meaningful Jewish experiences each and every day, so that they may become the future Jewish leaders in their communities and in the Jewish world at large.

Contact Us

Regional Staff

  • Senior Regional Director: Tarryn Winik

  • Community Director: Jenna Buettel

Washington, DC

(202) 507-7285


Am Echad BBYO #5062

Springfield, Virginia

Haganah BBG 5064 BBG #5064

Loudoun, Virginia

Lahat BBG #339

Fairfax County, Virginia

Liviu Librescu AZA #2539

Fairfax County, Virginia

Madlik AZA #1690

Arlington, Virginia

Or Chadash BBG #2528

Fairfax County, Virginia

SUPPORT Northern Region East: Northern Virginia Council

Every dollar you give locally goes directly to impacting Jewish teens in your community.


BBYO offers a fun, inclusive environment where lifelong friendships are formed, leadership skills are developed and Jewish identity values are nurtured.



Want to learn more about what teens do in NRE: NoVA Council? Check out our new “BBYO 101” overview!