PWR Regional Execs - Virtual

Sunday, September 26, 2021 FROM 10:30 AM - Sunday, September 26, 2021 3:30 PM


Pacific Western Region

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Event Details

If you are unable to attend the in person portion of this event, we invite you to attend via Zoom. 

Hey PWR! We are eager to be inviting and welcoming all of YOU, our leaders, future leaders, and incredible members to PWR’s Fall 2021 Executive Meeting (execs)!

Regional execs are a very special time that we gather as a region to pass legislation and make change in the region for the better. This year, our theme is “getting comfortable making change”. In order to do so, we ask that all board members who attend wear their board merch if applicable, all future leaders wear any BBYO merch, and we ask that everyone attending wears something comfortable, whether that is PJ’s or sweats, or whatever is comfiest for you! Before the day begins, we wanted parents to have a heads up, that during the business meeting, teens will not have their phone. They will be given back promptly after the business meeting is over, and will have them at least an hour before the event is over. If you have any questions about this, reach out to Liz Weisman, PWR’s Senior Regional Director at [email protected]!

Cost: FREE