Kim Schneider Malek
Founder/President, Family Enterprise Alliance
Kim Schneider Malek is the founder and president of Family Enterprise Alliance, a global succession, governance, and communication consulting firm, and the Center for Advancing Family Enterprise, an independent educational initiative for family businesses, family offices, ownership families, boards, and advisors. Client industries include real estate, construction, oil and gas, manufacturing, hospitality, wholesale distribution, financial services, and youth development. Kim also is an adjunct professor in the MBA program at the University of Louisville’s COB,and recently completed 20-years of faculty service at the University of Denver’s DCB where she taught courses in high performance management, business communication and leadership, and family enterprise sustainability.
A Fellow of the Family Firm Institute (FFI), Kim was the 2014 recipient of the FFI Barbara Hollander Achievement Award for leadership and contribution to the field family enterprise education. She also served on the Global Education Network faculty, the Family Business Review Research Applied Board, and the Body of Knowledge Committee. She is active in several professional organizations including Collaboration for Family Flourishing. Kim lives in Denver, Colorado, with her business-owning husband (Charles), three enterprising teens (Molly, Jacob, and Henry), and two giddy Golden Retrievers (Maggy McPickles and Scout Bubzy). Kimand Charles are also medical foster parents to Akewak Wondimu, an Ethiopian spine and heart patient of Dr. Rick Hodes (JDC), 2007 CNN Heroes finalist.