Event Details
Cotton States Region Fall Regional Kickoff (FRK) registration is open to all returning Cotton States BBYO members! Join your friends from the region, and of course, make some new ones! Early Bird Registration is open until August 10th at the price of $170 and Regular Registration is open until August 17th for $190. Don't forget about CSR's new Regional Bundle Package where you can sign up for all conventions for the year at one time at a cheaper price!. Scholarships are available via our new online scholarship application which can be found at https://secure.jotformpro.com/form/51974749548979. Scholarships are due August 10th and will be reviewed first. After August 10th, scholarships will still be accepted but only granted after all others are reviewed and considered. Please do not pay the full amount of the event if scholarship is needed. Transportation: Will be arranged locally. These fees are not included in the registration fee. Please contact your staff or advisors for fees. Cancellations: The cancellation deadline will be the same day as the final registration deadline for the convention. Up until August 17th, full refunds will be given. After that date, the maximum refund available will be 50% of the cost paid, or the total amount of funds not already committed to vendors/expenses – whichever is less. Full refunds after the cancellation deadline will always be granted for cancellations due to medical or family emergencies (doctor’s note required for medical emergencies). Full refunds due to non-emergency conflicts may be granted at the staff’s discretion. Full refunds for any other reason (just decided not to go, missed the bus, etc.) will not be granted. No-shows will not be granted refunds. Staff always strives to be accommodating, and we will do what we can to refund as much of your fee as possible on a case-by-case basis.
(due by 08/27/2016)
Deposit Amount: $50.00
White Bluff 37187