Event Details
Regional Board Leadership Training Weekend! All regional board members will gather in Scottsdale, AZ to bond, plan the year and meet with local chapter boards to kickstart their fall term.
We will meet Friday evening as all teens will be home hosted. (Alephs and BBGS at 2 regional board members homes).
Friday night we will meet for a shabbat dinner and icebreakers.
Saturday we will have breakfast at the JCC, and meet local chapter boards and have board training during the day. Followed by lunch nad calendar planning.
Havdallah Saturday night .
Teens will have breakfast Sunday morning which will conclude our weekend together. Phoenix board members or those wanting to stay can go to Phoenix Fall Kickoff event at Mavrix bowling and arcade Sunday afternoon.
Cost is $75 a teen for 5 meals and 2 snacks plus all printed materials for the wekend.
Please email [email protected] with any questions.